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Shane M. Wagstaff | BComm CPA CFP

Years of providing tax advice to clients as a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) led Shane to realize there was a substantial disconnect between prudent financial planning, tax strategy and investment management in the financial industry. 

This initially drove him to pursue a second designation as a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and eventually pushed him to found Wagstaff Wealth Management (WWM). 

Shane commonly refers to WWM's style of advisory as "holistic financial planning" which removes the industry disconnect and brings together professional tax strategy, financial planning and investment management.

This competitive advantage and new approach has led to rapid growth in WWM's clientele as a premier, progressive and planning focused advisory practice.

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Prior to founding Wagstaff Wealth Management, Shane attended the University of Alberta completing the Bachelor of Commerce program specializing in accounting and finance. He subsequently articled and completed the Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) and Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designations. Shane's entrepreneurial nature eventually lead him to then found his own tax and accounting practice, Horizon Chartered Professional Accountants prior to expanding into the investment management industry with WWM. ​

Shane prides himself on offering a unique client experience by bringing the best of tax planning and financial planning together for a holistic approach. His unbiased advisory model ensures the client always comes first which is integral to our practice and our high standard of professionalism and integrity.  ​

Shane is originally from a small family farm near Trochu, Alberta where his family still resides. He and his brother, Brandon have also owned and operated Balkwill Pharmacy since 2018 which is attached to the Trochu satellite office. In 2022, Shane also joined the ownership group of Findoor North America and provides advisory to the company as a director on the board. 

Being from a family farm has naturally paved the way to being an agricultural advocate and working heavily with farm clients and rural families. That said, WWM has a very diverse clientele and welcomes the opportunity to work with new clients. He is available by appointment weekly in any of WWM's four locations (Red Deer, Edmonton, Calgary or Trochu) as well as online during or outside of business hours.

Shane is an avid hockey player, loves to play the guitar and enjoys spending time at the lake with friends and family in his spare time! 

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